Results for 'Carmen Sánchez Ovcharov'

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  1. Contrafácticos cuánticos: aproximación lógico-filosófica a las medidas cuánticas sin interacción.Jose Alejandro Fernandez Cuesta & Carmen Sánchez Ovcharov - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 23 (46):313-337.
    Este artículo presenta una aproximación lógico-filosófica al problema de las medidas sin interacción (ifm, por sus siglas en inglés) presentes en ciertos experimentos físicos mecánico-cuánticos. Se explicitarán tanto las posibles vías para abordar el estudio de las IFM desde una perspectiva formal, como algunos de los principales retos a la hora de llevar a cabo dicha aproximación.
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  2. Breaking the Language Barrier: Using Translations for Teaching Introductory Philosophy.Carmen Adel & Joseph Ulatowski - 2017 - American Association of Philosophy Teachers Studies in Pedagogy 3:33-52.
    Some students who possess the same cognitive skill set as their counterparts but who neither speak nor write English fluently have to contend with an unnecessary barrier to academic success. While an administrative top-down approach has been in progress for many years to address this issue, enhancement of student performance begins in the classroom. Thus, we argue that instructors ought to implement a more organic bottom-up approach. If it is possible for instructors to make class content available in other languages, (...)
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  3. Naturalness by law.Verónica Gómez Sánchez - 2023 - Noûs 57 (1):100-127.
    The intuitive distinction between natural and unnatural properties (e.g., green vs. grue) informs our theorizing not only in fundamental physics, but also in non-fundamental domains. This paper develops a reductive account of this broad notion of naturalness that covers non-fundamental properties: for a property to be natural, I propose, is for it to figure in a law of nature. After motivating the account, I defend it from a potential circularity charge. I argue that a suitably broad notion of lawhood can (...)
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  4. Crystallized Regularities.Verónica Gómez Sánchez - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy 117 (8):434-466.
    This essay proposes a reductive account of robust macro-regularities. On the view proposed, regularities can earn their elite scientific status by featuring in good summaries of restricted regions in the space of physical possibilities: our “modal neighborhoods.” I argue that this view vindicates “nomic foundationalism”, while doing justice to the practice of invoking physically contingent generalizations in higher-level explanations. Moreover, the view suggests an explanation for the particular significance of robust macro-regularities: we rely on summaries of our modal neighborhoods when (...)
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  5. La educación religiosa y los fines de la educación liberal. Análisis de compatibilidad.Carlos José Sánchez Corrales - 2020 - Aporía. Revista Internacional de Investigaciones Filosóficas 2019 (18):57-72.
    The present paper tries to answer the question _Is religious education compatible with the purposes of liberal education?_ This work argues that it is possible, and desirable, that democratic states built on liberal ideals include religious education in all schools since increasing the number of options among which the future citizen may choose the conception of the good with which he or she wishes to live is a condition for autonomy as one of its educational purposes. However, the proposal is (...)
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  6. Nothingness is all what there is: an exploration of objectless awareness during sleep.Adriana Alcaraz-Sanchez, Ema Demsar, Teresa Campillo-Ferrer & Gabriela Torres-Plata - forthcoming - Frontiers in Psychology.
    Recent years have seen a heightened focus on the study of minimal forms of awareness during sleep to advance the study of consciousness and understand what makes a state conscious. This focus draws on an increased interest in anecdotical descriptions made by classic Indian philosophical traditions about unusual forms of awareness during sleep. For instance, in the so-called state of witnessing-sleep or luminosity sleep, one is said to reach a state that goes beyond ordinary dreaming and abide in a state (...)
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  7. Unfulfilled habits: on the affective consequences of turning down affordances for social interaction.Carlos Vara Sánchez - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences.
    Many pragmatist and non-representational approaches to cognition, such as the enactivist, have focused on the relations between actions, affectivity, and habits from an intersubjective perspective. For those adopting such approaches, all these aspects are inextricably connected; however, many questions remain open regarding the dynamics by which they unfold and shape each other over time. This paper addresses a specific topic that has not received much attention: the impact on future behavior of not fulfilling possibilities for social interaction even though their (...)
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  8. What do aesthetic affordances afford?Carlos Vara Sánchez - 2022 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 69:67-84.
    This paper explores various notions of aesthetic affordance recently developed through embodied, situated and enactive approaches to aesthetic experience by Maria Brincker and Shaun Gallagher, and the similarities and differences between them and the idea of affective affordance put forward by Joel Krueger and Giovanna Colombetti. This discussion is a way to try to offer some answers to the question of what aesthetic affordances particularly afford compared to affective affordances. I will focus on the affordances that we perceive during various (...)
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  9. La consultoría filosófica de Ran Lahav, Oscar Brenifier y Ora Gruengard: ¿aproximaciones incompatibles?Carmen Zavala - 2010 - HASER. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Aplicada 1:91-119.
    En el presente artículo pretendo mostrar a través de un análisis de mi propiotrabajo práctico, que aproximaciones en el trabajo de la consultoría filosófica tan distintas como las de Ran Lahav, Oscar Brenifier y Ora Gruengard no son en realidad tan incompatibles como ellos mismos consideran que son. Para ello comentaré extractos de una sesión de consultoría filosófica mía filmada hace un tiempo atrás, indicando las coincidencias con estos filósofos, que motivaron o inspiraron algunos de los pasos que llevé a (...)
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    De Eros y Civilización (Marcuse) a la Agonía de Eros (Byung-Chul Han) en el siglo XXI.López Sáenz M. Carmen - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):199-209.
    El artículo comienza exponiendo a grandes rasgos la interpretación freudiana del malestar que conlleva la civilización para, seguidamente, describir con mayor detalle la corrección de Herbert Marcuse a la misma, ayudándose del análisis histórico-social de los principios psicoanalíticos y de las implicaciones políticas de la metapsicología. Analiza principalmente Eros y civilización, pero también las obras posteriores de este filósofo, en las que matiza las conclusiones y alternativas que expuso en su libro de 1955. El artículo descubre posteriormente interesantes similitudes con (...)
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  11. Leandro Sánchez Marín. (2022). Michel Foucault y Gilles Deleuze. Sobre la imagen, el poder y la resistencia.Leandro Sánchez Marín - 2021 - Perseitas 10:379-398.
    En este texto nos proponemos abordar la última clase del semanario de Deleuze sobre el poder en Foucault a partir de dos momentos. El primero tiene que ver con el concepto de imagen y la interpretación sobre el cine que ya venía siendo una constante —aunque marginalmente— en estas clases de Deleuze. Seguidamente, el segundo momento tiene que ver con la relación entre poder y resistencia que arroja como resultado una interpretación del pensamiento de Foucault por parte de Deleuze como (...)
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  12. Leandro Sánchez Marín (2022) - Ludwig Feuerbach, límite y supresión de Dios.Leandro Sánchez Marín - 2022 - Teología y Cultura 24 (2):199-204.
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  13. Beliefs as inner causes: the (lack of) evidence.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (6):850-877.
    Many psychologists studying lay belief attribution and behavior explanation cite Donald Davidson in support of their assumption that people construe beliefs as inner causes. But Davidson’s influential argument is unsound; there are no objective grounds for the intuition that the folk construe beliefs as inner causes that produce behavior. Indeed, recent experimental work by Ian Apperly, Bertram Malle, Henry Wellman, and Tania Lombrozo provides an empirical framework that accords well with Gilbert Ryle’s alternative thesis that the folk construe beliefs as (...)
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  14. Philosophy, Out of Bounds: The Method and Mysticism of Simone Weil.Carmen Maria Marcous - 2023 - Dissertation, Florida State University
    The purpose of this study is exposition on the themes of method and mysticism in the work of Simone Weil. Nearly a decade before the onset of her first mystical experience, Weil developed a method to be rigorously applied in daily philosophical reflection. She outlines this method in her dissertation on Descartes (1929-1930). I examine the question of how Weil applied method to philosophical reflection on her mystical experiences (onset 1938-1939). I analyze Weil’s mystical experiences as a type of transformative (...)
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  15. MRCT Center Post-Trial Responsibilities Framework Continued Access to Investigational Medicines. Guidance Document. Version 1.0, December 2016.Carmen Aldinger, Barbara Bierer, Rebecca Li, Luann Van Campen, Mark Barnes, Eileen Bedell, Amanda Brown-Inz, Robin Gibbs, Deborah Henderson, Christopher Kabacinski, Laurie Letvak, Susan Manoff, Ignacio Mastroleo, Ellie Okada, Usharani Pingali, Wasana Prasitsuebsai, Hans Spiegel, Daniel Wang, Susan Briggs Watson & Marc Wilenzik - 2016 - The Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard (MRCT Center).
    I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The MRCT Center Post-trial Responsibilities: Continued Access to an Investigational Medicine Framework outlines a case-based, principled, stakeholder approach to evaluate and guide ethical responsibilities to provide continued access to an investigational medicine at the conclusion of a patient’s participation in a clinical trial. The Post-trial Responsibilities (PTR) Framework includes this Guidance Document as well as the accompanying Toolkit. A 41-member international multi-stakeholder Workgroup convened by the Multi-Regional Clinical Trials Center of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard University (...)
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  16. Las penúltimas razones de la moralidad en Tugendhat.José V. Bonet-Sánchez - 2017 - Isegoría 57:673-690.
    El trabajo explora críticamente la idea de una justificación débil o pen última de la moral enmarcándola en el conjunto de la filosofía de Tugendhat, reordenan do sus escritos éticos y discriminando los diversos aspectos que incluye dicha idea. Entre ellos, revisa el concepto formal de moral, ligado a los sentimientos, antes de centrarse en el punto crucial: la fundamentación de la ética moderna. Aquí se distingue, por un lado, la justificación comparativa de un contractualismo igualitario frente a otras alternativas (...)
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  17. Teaching Transgression: Border Crossing in Philosophy.Damián Bravo Zamora & Carmen Maria Marcous - 2019 - Public Philosophy Journal 2 (1).
    We argue that philosophers are competent to facilitate public discussion concerning restrictions on human migration across political borders. We also argue that presenting public audiences with a prima facie case for open borders offers a unique opportunity to elucidate important aspects of philosophical reasoning. Finally, we share resources and a lesson plan for those keen to examine the case for open borders with students, or to facilitate public discussion on these issues.
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  18. La limitada mala fe de la persona auténtica. Una perspectiva sartreana.Sarah Horton & Leandro Sánchez Marín - 2024 - Escritos 32 (69):1-13.
    Basándome en la explicación que hace Jean-Paul Sartre de la violencia, sostengo que no solo la mala fe es inevitable en la práctica, sino que una mala fe limitada es necesaria para la autenticidad. Aunque violar la libertad de otros es mala fe, es imposible no violar nunca la libertad de alguien. Además, y de manera fundamental, la estructura ontológica del para-sí implica que este solo puede ser auténtico en el modo de no ser auténtico. Tratar de evitar por completo (...)
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  19. Presentación. Coordenadas epistemológicas para una estética en construcción.Mayra Sánchez Medina & José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2019 - In Mayra Sánchez Medina & José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo (eds.), Coordenadas epistemológicas para una estética en construcción. Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente. pp. 13-18.
    Se trata de la Presentación al libro Coordenadas Epistemológicas para una estética en construcción, obra publicada por la Colección La Fuente y coeditada entre el Cuerpo Académico de Estética y Arte de la BUAP y el Instituto de Filosofía de Cuba. En la presentación se describen los contenidos básicos de las tres partes que componen el libro: Parte I. Una estética en construcción; Parte II: El arte en el discurso de la estética; Parte III: Espectacularidad y seducción. Miradas estéticas a (...)
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  20. Modern Views on Virtue Ethics.Carmen Dobre - 2021 - Sofia Philosophical Review 14 (1):72-86.
    Abstract: This paper analyzes some influential ideas in virtue ethics. Alasdair MacIntyre, in his work After Virtue, and Elizabeth Anscombe, in his controversial essay “Modern Moral Philosophy”, brought fresh ideas into moral philosophy of their time changing views on contemporary morality. They strongly influenced moral philosophers who then followed their ideas. The two philosophers criticized contemporary moral philosophies such as emotivism, utilitarianism, deontology. Elizabeth Anscombe criticized also the use of the concepts of duty and moral obligation in the absence of (...)
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  21. How scientific psychology shapes minds.Devin Sanchez Curry - forthcoming - In Tad Zawidzki (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Mindshaping.
    The mind and brain sciences influence how human beings understand one another. Histories of the concepts of repression, implicit bias, ADHD, IQ, and personhood reveal that scientific psychology has played a role, not just in shaping people's thinking about minds, but also (and thereby) in shaping minds themselves. These case studies may thus be seen as supporting the contentious thesis that science aids in the social construction of minds. Three considerations are relevant to determining how seriously we should take that (...)
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  22. The Actuality of Aristotelian Virtues.Carmen Dobre & Carmen Rodica Dobre - 2021 - Filosofya- Philosophy 30 (3/2021):259-269.
    Aristotle defined the ethical and intellectual virtues which are recognized even nowadays as fundamental. Contemporary virtue ethics still takes into account Aristotelian virtues. The modern moral philosophers have tried to find new ethical values in a society in which religions are in decline and the old values lost their meaning. The starting point of their research has been Aristotle’s “Nicomachean Ethics” which has remained the most important work in ethics influencing the philosophical thinking until nowadays. This paper seeks to explain (...)
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  23. Coordenadas epistemológicas para una estética en construcción.Mayra Sánchez Medina & José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo (eds.) - 2019 - Puebla, Pue., México: Colección La Fuente.
    Desde la certidumbre del sentido necesariamente inacabado, nómada y abierto de sus propuestas, el presente volumen de la Colección La Fuente da cuentas del esfuerzo de un grupo de investigadores del Instituto de Filosofía de La Habana (IF) y de la Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) por esbozar, más que respuestas, aquellas interrogantes sociales, culturales y artísticas que, desde constelaciones cambiantes de conceptos y reflexiones estéticas, puedan ser emplazadas en sus respectivas realidades. El presente libro es el tercero de la (...)
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  24. Holismo e idealismo en la Fenomenología de Hegel† Robert B. Brandom.Sebastián Sánchez-Martínez - 2020 - Praxis Filosófica 50:289-326.
    “Conciencia”, la sección inicial de la Fenomenología de Hegel, se ocupa de la comprensión del mundo físico que nos rodea. La sección siguiente, “Autoconciencia”, comienza a considerar nuestra comprensión de nosotros mismos y de los otros. Este orden de discusión no es ni arbitrario ni meramente conveniente. Por el contrario, una de las principales lecciones que hemos de aprender hacia el final del desarrollo de la “conciencia” es que nuestra mejor concepción del mundo que es el objeto de nuestras actividades (...)
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  25. Brian O’Connor. (2022). El legado filosófico de Theodor W. Adorno (Trad. Leandro Sánchez Marín).O'Connor Brian & Sánchez Marín Leandro - 2022 - Revista Filosofía (UIS) 21 (2):293-303.
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  26. Interpretivism and norms.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (4):905-930.
    This article reconsiders the relationship between interpretivism about belief and normative standards. Interpretivists have traditionally taken beliefs to be fixed in relation to norms of interpretation. However, recent work by philosophers and psychologists reveals that human belief attribution practices are governed by a rich diversity of normative standards. Interpretivists thus face a dilemma: either give up on the idea that belief is constitutively normative or countenance a context-sensitive disjunction of norms that constitute belief. Either way, interpretivists should embrace the intersubjective (...)
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    Método neutrosófico para evaluar el cuidado enfermero en el manejo del Hematoma Subdural.Dámaris Micaela Ortiz Sánchez - 2024 - Neutrosophic Computing and Machine Learning 35 (1):28-35.
    El hematoma subdural agudo es la acumulación de sangre en el espacio subdural debido a una ruptura de los vasos sanguíneos, es el resultado principal de un traumatismo craneoencefálico y se considera el más letal ya que daña las células cerebrales provocando su muerte, por lo que un mejor abordaje en el cuidado enfermero de estos pacientes representa una mejora en su salud y se optimizan los recursos disponibles A partir de esta definición, la investigación tiene como objetivo la implementación (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Epistemic Injustice in the Education of People with Mental Disabilities.José Álvarez Sanchez & Ana María Rosas Rodríguez - 2022 - Educação and Realidade 1 (47).
    ABSTRACT – Epistemic Injustice in the Education of People with Mental Disabilities. This article offers a perspective on inclusive education based on Fricker’s conception of epistemic injustice. What is the relationship be- tween inclusive education and epistemic injustice in the case of students with mental deficiencies? By adapting Fricker’s thesis to this extreme case, epistemic injustice can be explored via the social model of disability (SMD). Accordingly, we propose that epistemic injustice harms the entire educa- tional community and society. -/- (...)
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  29. Cabbage à la Descartes.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2016 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 3:609-637.
    This article offers an interpretation of Descartes’s method of doubt. It wields an examination of Descartes’s pedagogy—as exemplified by The Search for Truth as well as the Meditations—to make the case for the sincerity (as opposed to artificiality) of the doubts engendered by the First Meditation. Descartes was vigilant about balancing the need to use his method of doubt to achieve absolute certainty with the need to compensate for the various foibles of his scholastic and unschooled readers. Nevertheless, Descartes endeavored (...)
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  30. La antropología como filosofía primera, después de Tugendhat.José V. Bonet-Sánchez - 2015 - Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía 2015 (66):95-108.
    Abstract: In the past fifteen years Tugendhat has tentatively proposed to recover the role of anthropology as the core philosophical discipline or first philosophy. This peculiar return to the German thinking of the ‘20s is, on the one hand, a projection of the author’s whole intellectual evolution. On the other hand, it allows us to focus on classic epistemological problems of philosophical anthropology such as its object and contents, its method, and its place among other philosophical studies. The present paper (...)
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  31. Interpretivism without judgement-dependence.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (2):611-615.
    In a recent article in this journal, Krzysztof Poslajko reconstructs—and endorses as probative—a dilemma for interpretivism first posed by Alex Byrne. On the first horn of the dilemma, the interpretivist takes attitudes to emerge in relation to an ideal interpreter (and thus loses any connection with actual folk psychological practices). On the second horn, the interpretivist takes attitudes to emerge in relation to individuals’ judgements (and thus denies the possibility of error). I show that this is a false dilemma. By (...)
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  32. Die pragmatische Dimension des Geschmacks im aufgeklärten Bildungsprogramm der Anthropologie Kants.Manuel Sánchez-Rodríguez - 2015 - In Patricia Kuark-Leite, Giorgia Cecchinato, Virginia De Araujo Figueiredo, Margit Ruffing & Alice Serra (eds.), Kant and the Metaphors of Reason. Olms Verlag. pp. 429-441.
    In der Kritik der Urteilskraft vertritt Kant noch die analogische Beziehung zwischen Schönheit und Sittlichkeit (KU, AA 05: 351–354). Aber wir befinden uns hier in einem ganz anderen Zusammenhang. Und dies nicht nur, weil die Erörterung dieser analogischen Beziehung eine Lösung für das Problem der Verknüpfung zwischen theoretischer und praktischer Vernunft beansprucht. Die Reflexionen in den Vorlesungen über Anthropologie über die pragmatische Dimension des Geschmacks setzten die Möglichkeit dieser Verknüpfung bereits voraus, bevor Kant eine kritische Begründung derselben erreichte. Wir dürfen (...)
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  33. Enacting the aesthetic: A model for raw cognitive dynamics.Carlos Vara Sánchez - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (2):317-339.
    One challenge faced by aesthetics is the development of an account able to trace out the continuities and discontinuities between general experience and aesthetic experiences. Regarding this issue, in this paper, I present an enactive model of some raw cognitive dynamics that might drive the progressive emergence of aesthetic experiences from the stream of general experience. The framework is based on specific aspects of John Dewey’s pragmatist philosophy and embodied aesthetic theories, while also taking into account research in ecological psychology, (...)
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  34. Injusticias Epistémicas en la Educación de Personas con Discapacidad Mental.José Álvarez Sanchez & Ana María Rosas Rodriguez - 2022 - Educação and Realidade 1 (47).
    RESUMEN ‒ Injusticias Epistémicas en la Educación de Personas con Dis- capacidad Mental. Se ofrece en este artículo una perspectiva de la educa- ción inclusiva a partir de la concepción de las injusticias epistémicas de Fricker. Se pregunta cuál es la relación entre la educación inclusiva y la in- justicia epistémica en el caso de estudiantes con deficiencias mentales. Es necesario adaptar las tesis de Fricker a este caso límite, por lo que se debe pensar la injusticias epistémicas a partir (...)
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  35. Belief in character studies.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2022 - American Philosophical Quarterly 59 (1):27-42.
    In Go Set a Watchman, Harper Lee reveals that American man of integrity Atticus Finch harbors deep-seated racist beliefs. Bob Ewell, Finch's nemesis in To Kill a Mockingbird, harbors the same beliefs. But the two men live out their shared racist beliefs in dramatically different fashions. This article argues that extant dispositionalist accounts of belief lack the tools to accommodate Finch and Ewell's divergent styles of believing. It then draws on literary and philosophical character studies to construct the required tools.
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  36. Being Moved by Art: A Phenomenological and Pragmatist Dialogue.Simon Høffding, Carlos Vara Sánchez & Tone Roald - forthcoming - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 59 (2):85-102.
    This article integrates John Dewey’s _Art as Experience_, Mikel Dufrenne’s _Phenomenology of Aesthetic Experience_, and phenomenological interviews with museum visitors to answer what it means to be ‘moved by art’. The interviews point to intense affective and existential experiences, in which encounters with art can be genuinely transformative. We focus on Dufrenne’s notion of ‘adherent reflection’ and Dewey’s notions of ‘doing and undergoing’ to understand the intentional structure and dynamics of such experiences, concluding that being moved contains two merged forms (...)
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  37. How beliefs are like colors.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):7889-7918.
    Double dissociations between perceivable colors and physical properties of colored objects have led many philosophers to endorse relationalist accounts of color. I argue that there are analogous double dissociations between attitudes of belief—the beliefs that people attribute to each other in everyday life—and intrinsic cognitive states of belief—the beliefs that some cognitive scientists posit as cogs in cognitive systems—pitched at every level of psychological explanation. These dissociations provide good reason to refrain from conflating attitudes of belief with intrinsic cognitive states (...)
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  38. Street smarts.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):161-180.
    A pluralistic approach to folk psychology must countenance the evaluative, regulatory, predictive, and explanatory roles played by attributions of intelligence in social practices across cultures. Building off of the work of the psychologist Robert Sternberg and the philosophers Gilbert Ryle and Daniel Dennett, I argue that a relativistic interpretivism best accounts for the many varieties of intelligence that emerge from folk discourse. To be intelligent is to be comparatively good at solving intellectual problems that an interpreter deems worth solving.
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  39. Feuerbach, Ludwig. (2022). El hombre es lo que come. (Trad. Leandro Sánchez Marín y Pablo Uriel Rodríguez).Leandro Sánchez Marín - 2022 - Medellín: ennegativo ediciones.
    "El ser es uno con la comida; ser significa comer; es (ist) lo que come (isst) y lo que ha comido. Comer es la forma subjetiva, activa, siendo lo comido la forma objetiva, pasiva, pero ambas son inseparables. Por tanto, únicamente comiendo se llena el concepto vacío del ser y se revela el carácter absurdo de la pregunta: ¿el ser y el no ser son idénticos, es decir, comer y pasar hambre son idénticos?".
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  40. ¿Es posible la reducción epistemológica? Todo sistema necesita presupuestos extra-sistémicos.José V. Orón & Javier Sánchez-Cañizares - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico 50 (3):601-617.
    Is an epistemological reduction strictly possible? Scientific methodology claims that a boundary separating the system from the “extra-system” can be defi ned. However, no system defi nes its own limits: rather, every system needs extra-systemic presuppositions that are defi ned from outside the system. In this article, we show how various areas of knowledge presuppose the presence of an extra-systemic reality that provides meaning: to know any system, knowledge of the “extra-system” is also necessary.
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  41. Morgan’s Quaker gun and the species of belief.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2023 - Philosophical Perspectives 37 (1):119-144.
    In this article, I explore how researchers’ metaphysical commitments can be conducive—or unconducive—to progress in animal cognition research. The methodological dictum known as Morgan’s Canon exhorts comparative psychologists to countenance the least mentalistic fair interpretation of animal actions. This exhortation has frequently been misread as a blanket condemnation of mentalistic interpretations of animal behaviors that could be interpreted behavioristically. But Morgan meant to demand only that researchers refrain from accepting default interpretations of (apparent) actions until other fair interpretations have been (...)
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  42. Why dispositionalism needs interpretivism: a reply to Poslajko.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (4):2139-2145.
    I have proposed wedding the theories of belief known as dispositionalism and interpretivism. Krzysztof Poslajko objects that dispositionalism does just fine on its own and, moreover, is better off without interpretivism’s metaphysical baggage. I argue that Poslajko is wrong: in order to secure a principled criterion for individuating beliefs, dispositionalism must either collapse into psychofunctionalism (or some other non-superficial theory) or accept interpretivism’s hand in marriage.
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  43. A social mark of the mental.Devin Sanchez Curry - manuscript
    Introductory but opinionated essay on what (and why) minds are.
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  44. On IQ and other sciencey descriptions of minds.Devin Sanchez Curry - forthcoming - Philosophers' Imprint.
    Philosophers of mind (from eliminative materialists to psychofunctionalists to interpretivists) generally assume that a normative ideal delimits which mental phenomena exist (though they disagree about how to characterize the ideal in question). This assumption is dubious. A comprehensive ontology of mind includes some mental phenomena that are neither (a) explanatorily fecund posits in any branch of cognitive science that aims to unveil the mechanistic structure of cognitive systems nor (b) ideal (nor even progressively closer to ideal) posits in any given (...)
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    On the Epistemological Significance of Body Narratives.Santiago Flórez Sánchez - 2023 - Arche 7:78-92.
    This paper explores the relationship between identity, narrative, and the body within oppressive contexts. I argue that various identity groups—defined by gender, ethnicity, and ability—are epistemologically marginalized due to judgments based on their physical bodies. By distinguishing the body as both a physical object and an experiential subject, I contend that its social-epistemological significance relies on the identity and narrative it embodies. Finally, I examine the ethical dimensions of body modifications and emphasize the profound impact of body narratives on social (...)
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  46. Las operaciones ocultas de la naturaleza: Tomás de Aquino y la introducción de dos tipos de anomalías en la estructura física aristotélica.Ana Maria Carmen Minecan - 2017 - Agora 36 (1):31-51.
    El presente artículo analiza la asimilación en la obra de Tomás de Aquino de los principios fundamentales del necesitarismo físico aristotélico así como la introducción, desde el punto de vista de la cosmología cristiana, dos tipos de fenómenos ajenos a la filosofía de la naturaleza de Aristóteles: las operaciones ocultas de la naturaleza y los milagros. Se estudia la postura del Aquinate en torno al magnetismo, las mareas, las propiedades terapéuticas de los compuestos y el origen de los poderes de (...)
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  47. g as bridge model.Devin Sanchez Curry - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):1067-1078.
    Psychometric g—a statistical factor capturing intercorrelations between scores on different IQ tests—is of theoretical interest despite being a low-fidelity model of both folk psychological intelligence and its cognitive/neural underpinnings. Psychometric g idealizes away from those aspects of cognitive/neural mechanisms that are not explanatory of the relevant variety of folk psychological intelligence, and it idealizes away from those varieties of folk psychological intelligence that are not generated by the relevant cognitive/neural substrate. In this manner, g constitutes a high-fidelity bridge model of (...)
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  48. Una indagación sobre la dimensión estética en Herbert Marcuse.Sánchez Marín Leandro - 2017 - Revista Trazos 2:111-127.
    Este texto se propone indagar la formulación de la dimensión estética en Marcuse. Para ello se abordará algunas consideraciones del autor sobre el arte y las posibilidades revolucionarias que éste comporta. Para Marcuse, el arte puede llegar a ser un elemento subversivo que configuraría una sensibilidad diferente a la que produce una sociedad regida por un principio de realidad que estanca la realización del placer en función de una vida agobiada y malograda entre los hombres. Las posibilidades de una nueva (...)
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  49. La sociedad industrial avanzada y la exigencia de una pacificación de la existencia en Herbert Marcuse.Sánchez Marín Leandro - 2017 - Symploke 6:35-40.
    Sociedad industrial avanzada es un concepto que utiliza Herbert Marcuse para referirse a las sociedades capitalistas de posguerra del siglo XX, más exactamente sociedades bajo el modelo norteamericano. Estas sociedades se erigen desde una base de producción capitalista que más allá de estar específicamente al servicio del interés particular de una clase –algo que no se puede negar– también logra satisfacer la inmediatez de gran parte de los miembros que la conforman. Así, cualquier persona que viva bajo el régimen de (...)
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  50. Subjetividad y soberanía en la Filosofía del Derecho de Hegel.Sánchez Marín Leandro - 2015 - Revista de Estudiantes de Ciencia Política 7:74-84.
    En este texto se trata la relación entre el principio de subjetividad y el principio de soberanía que emerge de la obra Filosofía del derecho de G. W. F. Hegel. Esta correspondencia se establece dentro del marco de la Eticidad [Die Sittlichkeit], que se expone en la tercera parte de la Filosofía del Derecho. Para el autor mencionado, la libertad del individuo, como rasgo característico del Estado moderno, supone una dialéctica entre derechos y deberes que es la base fundamental en (...)
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